Assoc. Prof. Dr. İlker Kiriş
Cardiovascular Surgery

Although varicose veins, which are one of the circulatory system disorders, differ in terms of the causes for their occurrence, their adverse effects are usually similar. From past to present, varicose veins, which have spread due to various reasons, especially the gene transfer, have been mostly causing "varicose symptoms" or "varicose symptoms."
Assoc. Prof. Dr. İlker Kiriş has been providing services in the field of varicose veins in Izmir, offering suggestions and treatment methods aimed at eliminating the aesthetic issues caused by varicose veins.
Varicose veins cause complaints that vary widely from person to person. These complaints significantly affect the patients' quality of life and psychological situation.
While the complaints are minimal in the morning hours, they increase, especially when standing for a long time and towards the evening. It decreases by raising the legs or exercising.
Varicose veins are mainly the thin capillary varicose veins. These thin varicose veins generally create discomfort in terms of aesthetics. Besides, they might cause a burning sensation and pain in the region where they are located. Varicose veins in the classical sense and thicker than 2 millimeters are bulging, twisting, and noticeable on the skin.
Varicose veins usually occur as a result of "venous insufficiency." Venous insufficiency is the "venous reflux" condition, namely, the blood leaking backward in a reverse direction from bottom to up and superficial to deep, which is the normal blood flow direction.
In venous insufficiency, there are initially only thin capillary varicose veins. In the next stage, varicose veins are noticeable on the skin in the classical sense. As the disease progresses, edema and swelling occur in the leg with time. The relevant leg becomes thicker than the other. It moves to the next stage, and dark discoloration occurs below the knee and near the ankle over the years. At this stage, the skin might be thicker, and then it may get prone to get thinner with opening wounds. In the last phase, the injury might occur in the inner part of the ankle.
Unless the varicose veins are treated medically, they might also cause some negative situations in the future. Clots are likely to occur in varicose veins that have been there for many years. In this case, sensitivity, pain, redness, and swelling occur when touching the relevant region. In this case, you should consult a physician immediately. Besides, there may be varicose bleeding usually due to trauma or spontaneously. In this case, high pressure and profuse bleeding are observed. It is required to apply pressure to the relevant region and go to the nearest hospital.
There are some suggestions about changes in the lifestyle to reduce the complaints and symptoms of varicose veins. If you can change some of your habits, it will be possible to reduce the varicose veins symptoms.
Choose loose clothing. Tight belts or tight trousers that tighten the upper part of the leg make the blood flow difficult.
Finally, some medical products in the form of cream and lotion that are allegedly capable of restoring the varicose veins without surgery can exclusively be useable if your physician deems it appropriate and necessary. Because these products, which can directly damage the skin in improper use, should be considered as supportive care for treatment. All individual attempts to reduce or eliminate the symptoms of varicose veins will be short-term solutions. Undoubtedly, you should try varicose vein treatment methods to destroy the varicose veins and restore the non-aesthetic appearance it creates.