Frequently Asked Questions

About varicose veins & treatment options

Frequently Asked Questions

Assoc. Prof. Dr. İlker Kiriş

Cardiovascular Surgery

For detailed information & appointment

Do only women and the elderly have varicose veins?

No. Varicose veins can affect individuals of all ages and genders. Although it is more common in women over the age of 40, we also have patients between the ages of 20 and 30 whom we treat. Besides, another issue is the misconception that only women suffer from varicose veins. Men also frequently have varicose veins.

Is there a way to prevent varicose veins?

There is no precise way to prevent varicose veins entirely. However, the individual can reduce the possibility of varicose veins by keeping the bodyweight at an ideal level, exercising regularly, avoiding standing or sitting for a long time if possible, and wearing compression stockings. Besides, if you have varicose veins, these lifestyle changes can also reduce complaints such as leg pain and swelling caused by varicose veins.

How can I get rid of varicose veins?

Each patient is unique in terms of vein structure and clinical complaints. A specialist doctor must manage the process to achieve a successful result. The accurate treatment method will be designated individually according to an individual's specific condition.

Does closing varicose veins affect blood flow?

No. On the contrary, closing a dysfunctional varicose vein ensures a healthier blood flow in the veins. Our body has a structure that supports each other. Healthy veins take on the task that varicose veins cannot fulfill to provide blood flow more effectively.

What to do before the aesthetic treatment of varicose veins?

Regardless of the method used, certain steps must be followed before treatment. First of all, the patient must be examined by a cardiovascular surgeon. A patient-specific treatment plan is created by considering the ultrasonography report, patient's complaints, physical examination findings, and patient expectations. The patient's aesthetic concerns due to varicose veins should be taken as seriously as the complaints about pain or swelling. Therefore, an important factor in treatment success is that the treatment is performed by the doctors devoted to the field of ‘aesthetic phlebology.’ Sclerotherapy or transdermal laser applications in beauty centers are both illegal and extremely risky for health.

Why should I consult you for my varicose veins?

Although the patients have high expectations from the treatment, they should also be realistic about their aesthetic expectations. In this context, the patient should be given realistic and scientific information about the treatment and post-treatment process before the procedure. A specific and personal treatment plan should be prepared for each patient. Treatment should usually be gradual. A gradual treatment is in favor of the patient's well-being, and it makes it possible to achieve higher aesthetic results.

Are all varicose veins the same?

No. The capillary varicose veins, that is, the mildest type of varicose veins is called 'telangiectasia' in medical terminology. The diameters of capillary varicose veins that do not cause any protrusion on the skin surface are smaller than 0.1 millimeters, and they reveal themselves with thin wire-like lines. Medium-sized varicose veins that manifest themselves with their dark green-purple colors are also called ‘reticular varicose veins.' Reticular varicose veins that result in a slight protrusion on the skin are generally 0.2-2 mm in diameter. There is a "spider web-like image" in reticular varicose veins, which disturbs the person aesthetically. Another type of varicose that springs to mind when it comes to varicose varieties is the large-size varicose veins. Large varicose veins that are clearly considered a disease are bulging, twisting, and noticeable on the skin. Large varicose veins are bigger than 2 millimeters in diameter and are lumpy.

What is aesthetic phlebology?

"Aesthetic phlebology" includes methods for treating venous disorders and varicose veins without any surgical incision and scar. Among these techniques are intravascular laser or radiofrequency, medical adhesive, microsurgery, and sclerotherapy. Common features of these techniques are that the treatment of varicose veins is less invasive and evolves to meet the changing patient expectations. Aesthetic phlebology treatment methods mainly aim to restore the poor appearance caused by the varicose veins at a maximum level.

What is venous leg ulcer?

Unless the varicose veins are treated, skin changes begin to occur in the lower knee and ankle areas in the future. When the skin thickens and dark discoloration occurs, if appropriate treatment methods are not applied, an open wound (ulcer) may occur. The condition known as varicose wound (venous ulcer) may also develop in patients who have had deep vein thrombosis. Venous leg ulcers are very painful and cannot be treated with traditional methods without medical assistance.

What is deep vein thrombosis?

Deep vein thrombosis is a blood clot that occurs in a deep vein in the body. Deep vein thrombosis is usually in the deep veins in the lower leg or in the thigh part of the between the leg joint and the groin level. Pulmonary embolism refers to a piece of the clot reaching and blocking the pulmonary blood vessel through blood flow and creating occlusion in the blood flow in a part of the lung. This is an extremely severe health issue, which can cause a person’s death. The prevalence of deep vein thrombosis worldwide ranks third among cardiovascular diseases and follows ischemic heart diseases and stroke.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. İlker Kiriş

Cardiovascular Surgery

For detailed information & appointment

(0553) 373 84 40
Kültür Mah. Plevne Blv. Ayda Apt. No:23 Kat:3 D:6
Konak, İzmir

[email protected]