Peripheral Artery Disease
Symptoms, risk factors & treatment methods
Assoc. Prof. Dr. İlker Kiriş
Cardiovascular Surgery

What is the Peripheral Artery Disease?
"Peripheral artery disease," known as arterial occlusion, refers to the stenosis and blockages seen particularly in the leg arteries. When we are born, the inner artery walls are smooth. Fat, cholesterol residues, white blood cells (leukocytes), and calcium may accumulate in the inner artery walls over the years due to various risk factors.
Risk Factors in Peripheral Artery Diseases
Arteries are tubing systems that carry oxygen-rich clean blood pumped from the heart to the whole body. The oxygen carried by arteries through the blood feeds all tissues in the head, trunk, arms, and legs. The peripheral artery generally refers to vessels extending to tissues and organs other than the heart. In the peripheral arteries, plaques form due to the fat, cholesterol, and calcium accumulation in the inner vessel wall. These plaques thicken over time, causing artery stenosis and occl
Peripheral Artery Disease Symptoms
Peripheral artery disease is a condition that occurs as a result of leg artery stenosis or occlusion. The disease is mainly caused by "atherosclerosis," also known as vessel stiffness, which occurs due to fat and cholesterol residues accumulated in the inner artery walls.
Endovascular Treatment in Peripheral Artery Diseases
When it comes to peripheral artery diseases, diseases related to the entire arterial system other than the coronary vessels in the heart come to mind. Vascular occlusion and stenosis occur particularly due to the fat accumulation and cholesterol residues, and calcification in inner walls of the leg arteries over time.
Arterial Occlusion Surgery
Arterial occlusion or peripheral artery disease occurs over time due to the fat accumulation, cholesterol residues, and calcification in the leg arteries. The artery loses its flexibility, and as the degree of stenosis progresses, it becomes harder to reach oxygen-rich clean blood to the tissues supplied by the vessel.
Vascular Occlusion Treatment
Arterial occlusion occurs due to stenosis or occlusion in arteries carrying oxygen-rich clean blood in the leg or arm regions. Generally, the fat, cholesterol, and calcification accumulating on the inner vessel walls with time cause stiffness and narrowing in the vessel.